St Andrews



Whilst St Andrews is a beautiful coastal town it is to always be noted that the town is a very small one so it is only to be expected to be lacking in certain amenities.


Needs better transport links and a club would be nice as well, the housing market here is ridiculous seeing as we're not a city and yet the student housing is London prices


No train station so travel out to the rest of the country is pretty annoying, nights out are generally good but get repetitive as there are few places to actually go - made up for by house parties. Most things in terms of shopping and food is very expensive as it is a tourist town, a huge community feel as everyone knows everyone.


BEAUTIFUL �� by the sea, lovely beach, gorgeous ruins, cute town, etc etc. Transport links are hard though - no train station ;(. Can be tough to escape the bubble, but then again, who would want to?


The closest big shopping centre and McDonald's are in Dundee, which is around 30 minutes away and costs 6.8 pounds for a round trip if you take the bus and get a student ticket. However there are a few great fish and chips shops, cafes and chain restaurants in town. There is Chinese food too but it is pretty expensive. Tesco and Sainsbury are on Market Street, while Marks and Spencer, Aldi and Morrisons are in the more remote part of the town -- walking there from Market Street takes 10-20 minutes, depending on how fast you walk, obviously. It is almost always windy. There is a cool botanic garden that is free for students, and you can always watch the ducks at Kinness Burn river. It is a great place for you if you like small communities, running into people you know wherever you go and don't mind spending so much money on transport.