Six of the best niche university societies in 2023

Flo Theoboldon 24 February 2023
A bowl of hummus complete with olive oil, paprika and whole chickpeas as a garnish, with some sliced bread and a garlic bulb

Societies are great for getting to know your peers and here are some of the quirkier ones.

Joining a society at university is one of the best things you can do. While the more common university societies include sports, arts and chess clubs, there is a selection of weird and wacky societies you may not know about. 

Don’t be afraid to get involved though, these societies were created for a reason. Here are six of the most unique and eccentric university societies that you should consider joining in 2023.

Hummus Society - University of York 

One for all the veggies, vegan and freegans. Members of this society can freely express their passion for the blended chickpea dipping staple, coming together to discuss flavour combos, textures and pairings. 

20-Minute Society - Newcastle University

If you’re known for living life on the edge, then the 20-minute society is perfect for you. The premise of this society is that social events will be announced 20 minutes before the arranged meeting time. Members then have to drop what they’re doing and find the quickest route to the decided location within 20 minutes. Those who make it, congratulations. For those who don’t, there will be consequences!

Stitch and Bitch - Leeds University

Friendly gossip mixed with some relaxing knitting, embroidery or any craft you fancy. You may get some funny looks, but this will definitely be a lot of people's secret heaven. Embracing hobbies outside of society's age appropriate norms can actually be quite freeing and a good way to occupy time, you'll also be able to take these skills with you after uni.

Zombie Apocalypse Survival Society - Manchester University

This society is precisely what it claims to be. Members have discussions on survival methods, conspiracies and other dystopia-related scenarios. Some will go far enough to actually prepare for when the inevitable happens, so they’re ready to protect the rest of the world.

Assassins Society - Various universities

Durham has one of the most active assassin societies in the world, which may be slightly concerning, but brilliant if you enjoy the sense of (pretend) danger and being chased. Members of the society take turns hunting each other down with mock weapons. You've got to be aware of your surroundings at all times as one of your fellow members could be lurking anywhere ready to assassinate you!

The above post is our best guess at what the assassins may look like. In keeping with their sneaky nature, this society doesn’t seem to have an Instagram (if this is incorrect please get in touch and let us know).

Instant noodle society - Durham

The first thought that comes to mind may be Pot Noodles, but this is a bit more refined and culturally specific. This society gets together to sample and review the plethora of instant noodles available. On their Instagram, you’ll find how they’ve rated certain noodle packets as well as simple recipes in their story highlights.

What societies have you joined? Join the Student Hut Opinion Panel and share your opinions. You’ll get 1000 reward points for signing up.

Flo Theoboldon 24 February 2023