Pros and cons of a postgraduate course

Julia Marolton 12 January 2023
Student holding a mortarboard in front of their face

Continuing your studies can be a huge positive but it’s also a big commitment.

Thinking about doing a postgraduate course? Aren’t sure if it’s the right choice for you? Don’t worry, Student Hut is here to help you make the right decision for you. We’ll arm you with a list of the advantages and disadvantages of postgraduate study, and whether it’ll benefit your situation and lifestyle or if another path is more suited for you.

Advantages of postgraduate study

Change career path - Having a postgraduate degree can help you change your career path more smoothly than just diving into the switch straight on. It allows you to gain new knowledge and credentials a particular job might need. You can change jobs drastically with a postgraduate degree or make more subtle changes that stay relevant to your previous job.

Expand knowledge - Having a postgraduate degree builds on knowledge acquired in your bachelor’s, which can make you more perceptive and insightful in discussion and when problem-solving. Both are highly sought qualities.

Boost your career - A postgraduate degree can lead to new job opportunities or promotions in your current place of employment. It can also give you more knowledge and understanding of your current job, allowing you to work more effectively and efficiently.

Variety of courses - There are endless amounts of postgraduate courses available, guaranteeing you find one that suits you the best. 

More employable - Having extra credentials and skills on your CV will make you more attractive to a potential employer. 

Improved skill set - With a postgraduate degree your skills will inevitably be improved and widened. Through exposure from classes, to the people around you, you will learn new skills and ways the world works. 

Disadvantages of postgraduate study

May not be necessary - A postgraduate degree may not be required in your field or situation, and something like work experience may be more suited for you. Look into all your options before deciding what's best for you.

Expensive - It’s no secret that any form of degree or further education is expensive. From the course, the course material and even small things like stationery can really create a dent in your wallet. 

Personal sacrifice - Doing a postgraduate course will fill your days with classes and studying, all energy and time will be spent there, leaving little left to enjoy things like meeting friends and going out. 

Work life disruption - Taking classes will change your work life, making you either go part-time or even have to leave your place of employment, just to make time for your studies. It can be hard to maintain a consistent flow of money as work time will be replaced by classes.

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Julia Marolton 12 January 2023