A game-changer for students: The £1 hangover cure pill

Louis Hugheson 14 November 2022
Dealing with a hangover

Everyone claims to have their own amazing hangover remedies, but this supplement might actually be the one.

Did you sesh too hard in your first couple of weeks at uni? If the answer is yes, then it's likely that you suffered from some pretty nasty hangovers. Well, we may have found a solution to your problem: the new food supplement, produced by Myrkl, that supposedly cures your future hangovers.

These pills have been developed and created over the last 30 years by Swedish scientist Johan De Faire and were released for public consumption in the UK this summer. Myrkl’s hangover cure tablet is said to be the first product in history to effectively break down alcohol, and with the drinking culture in the UK, it’s bound to catch on.

Where can I buy the Myrkl hangover pill from?

Currently, Myrkl can only be purchased from their website although it is set to be sold by online retailers and pharmacies in the not-too-distant future.

How much is the Myrkl hangover pill?

Customers pay £30 for 30 pills, which works out nicely at £1 a pill, an absolute steal for students on a tight budget.

Is Myrkl safe?

In short, yes. Myrkl claims that the ingredients are safe according to the European Food Safety Agency, which assesses the risks of various foods and decides whether they can be sold in EU markets. It has also undergone rigorous clinical testing over the last 30 years to ensure safety.

Another nice touch is that Myrkl’s hangover pill is made from 100% natural ingredients and is vegan, which is great for all the non-meat eaters out there and means the product may continue to be successful in the distant future.

How does it work?

Myrkl’s pill contains bacteria, L-Cysteine, and B12 which are activated in the gut before the alcohol makes it to the liver. The components of the pill then break down the alcohol into mostly water and carbon dioxide and reduce the amount of Acetaldehyde that the body would normally produce. 

Acetaldehyde is the product of the natural breakdown of alcohol that causes headaches, nausea, and that slightly acidic feeling that is so typical of a hangover. By reducing the amount of Acetaldehyde produced by the liver, the severity of the hangover is reduced. In fact, according to Myrkl, up to 70% of the alcohol in your bloodstream is broken down after just 60 minutes.

When should I take the Myrkl hangover pill?

Myrkl recommends taking the hangover pill approximately 1-2 hours BEFORE you begin drinking alcohol.

How many should I take?

1 pill, according to Myrkl.

Does this mean I can drink more?

The Myrkl hangover pill was not designed to encourage excessive binge drinking and is not what they were aiming to promote during the production of the pill. Customers should aim to drink a safe amount of alcohol and should not change their drinking habits because they have taken a hangover pill. Myrkl said this on the matter “MYRKL helps break down alcohol fast before it reaches the liver, it is not suited and aimed to alleviate the impact of excessive alcohol consumption.”

Overall we love the idea of the Myrkly hangover pill and it’s perfect for students who tend to go out and drink during the working week as Myrkl is able to eliminate the grogginess that comes with hangovers, potentially making students more productive after going out. This means students can still have fun whilst working hard, getting the best uni experience possible.

Louis Hugheson 14 November 2022