

The only good thing about this place is the fact that is close to a low cost flights airport. There is not much to do here and is considered one of the most dangerous towns in the UK . It is very easy to find a weird person in every corner of town . If you want to have fun day or night you need to leave the town since the few things you can do here involve shopping or being in a pub (and not a very good one )


Probably the only good thing about the town is how close it is from the airport also it has take away everywhere There is not much to do here and is considered one of the mos dangerous towns in the UK. You can find weird people in everycorner (and not the good type of weird). If you are looking for some fun you need to go anywhere else


It's crap, no clubs, expensive and grim, if you have the opportunity between Luton and Hell, always choose Hell.