Ten reasons to take up meditation

Julia Marolton 9 March 2022
Woman meditating in a forest, smiling

Meditation can be a powerful tool for self-improvement. Check out our top reasons for taking up meditation.

Meditation can be a key ingredient to a calm and happy life, with many positive effects and a long history of cultural practice. Meditation is often mentioned alongside self-care and well-being, but what does it actually involve? It’s a lot simpler than some articles make it out to be. Meditation is all about being mindful, which anyone can do. Not convinced? Here are ten reasons to take up meditation today:


Meditation and mindfulness are useful tools for relaxation and calmness. Through various meditation styles and breathing exercises, you can achieve balance. It helps you escape the constant anxiety of everyday life and towards a more relaxed state of mind. With each breath you reduce your heart rate, tension, and stress, leading to heightened awareness.

Better sleep

Many people struggle to get a healthy amount of sleep. This can have negative effects like low energy, attention, and mental clarity. Meditating before sleep or during the day helps your body to release tension, resulting in more satisfying sleep.

Reduces stress

Meditating is a great outlet for reducing stress as it allows the body and mind the time and space to organise your thoughts. A mindful approach can help you keep track of your emotions too. Meditation increases mental clarity and many of the skills learnt from practising it can be used in other areas.

Improved relationships

Taking time to get to know your own needs by meditating will benefit those around you. Meditation helps you create better habits, improving yourself and your relationships. The more time you take to understand your emotions through meditation the better your relationships will be.

Pain management

Meditation is an effective way to address pain, as your attention shifts away from the discomfort towards your breathing. The tranquillity created by meditation releases endorphins, the brain's natural pain reliever, helping to reduce pain and inflammation.

Better attention span

If you have problems with focus or attention, meditation is an effective way to combat this. Meditation develops an area of your brain called the prefrontal cortex, which oversees focus, impulses, and planning. Practising meditation frequently encourages an improved attention span and better focus. 

Reduced blood pressure

Whilst it may not work for everyone, meditation has been shown to reduce blood pressure in some people, making it worth a try if you suffer from hypertension. It can be great if you’re going through stressful situations and lifestyle changes.

Combats anxiety disorders

Meditation can also be used to fight anxiety disorders. Anxiety can be affected by lack of sleep, overwhelming emotions, and low self-esteem, all of which can be improved through meditation. The results may not be immediate though; persistence is key to achieving results. 

Improved mindset

Meditation helps you to become more emotionally aware. You’ll also become more conscious of your mind and how it works, helping you improve in many aspects of life. This can help to make you kinder to yourself and others.

Better self-awareness

Self-awareness is all about reflection and exploring who you are as a person. Our self-awareness can easily be clouded by the stress of everyday life. When meditating, you can indulge in quiet self-exploration and slowly re-connect yourself to your true being. 

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Julia Marolton 9 March 2022