How to switch off mentally and just relax

Louis Hugheson 17 February 2023
A man relaxing in bed with a mug and a book

Sometimes you just need to look out for yourself. Do some self-care, relax and unwind.

Uni life is hectic. The work is non-stop and so is the social life. As students, you’re expected to operate at 100% all the time. But to look after yourself you need to learn to put your feet up.

In this article, we’re going to explore the different ways you can relax and restore after the stress of a week at uni.

Learn when to stop working

You need to know your limits when it comes to working, otherwise, you’re going to end up doing gruelling hours with no limit. Even if you think you’re screwed for your next seminar because you haven’t entirely completed the work, it’s still better to go to bed at a reasonable time. A good work-life balance will stop you from being a zombie for the whole of the next day!

Watch your comfort TV show/film

Everyone’s got that one TV show or film that they’ve watched about a billion times, and every single time it's just as exciting as the first. So get into some trackies, get some popcorn, dim the lights, and have a relaxing night alone watching a classic. Watch the stress and anxiety melt away as you delve into comfort.

Go out and have fun (but don’t drink)

Just because you’re going out doesn’t mean you have to go clubbing or partying, instead, you could do something relaxing and fun like watching stand-up comedy, bowling with friends, or going to a nice restaurant. All of these activities will allow you to divert your attention away from any worries and have a chilled evening, minus the next-day beer fear.

Put your phone down

Look, we know our phones are more addictive than an Elf Bar. But setting screen time limits or physically leaving your phone with someone else could really help you switch off at times. The best time to have a no-phone policy is in the hours leading up to bed.

The blue light from social media apps is shown to slow melatonin production and prevent you from sleeping, leading to a TikTok marathon through the night! Don’t be that person.

Start a new hobby

Starting a new hobby can be a very peaceful way to wind down and spend some time alone. Whilst everyone is into different things, many students find that growing plants is both fun and soothing, whilst also providing a goal and reward for students. If that's not for you then you could try starting an instrument, playing some video games, cooking new foods, or painting something cool. Whatever it is, just make sure you enjoy it.


Take 20 minutes out of your day to meditate, it’ll instantly relax you and give you a moment of quiet in your busy schedule. Meditating is shown to benefit both your well-being and overall health, helping to maintain inner peace. It's just one of many ways you can practice mindfulness and become more aware of your emotions. If you want to give it a try, then there are a couple of apps we’d recommend

Go for a walk

Turns out our parents were right; fresh air is good for you! Walking is a good way of using the time to decompress as it's a low-energy task where you can switch off from any worries. Try and set yourself a target distance that you want to complete, plug in some headphones and get going.

What do you do to unwind? Join the Student Hut Community and let us know. You’ll get 1000 reward points for signing up.

Louis Hugheson 17 February 2023