Stay on top of your studies during the Easter holidays

Maddy McKennaon 31 March 2021
student stressed while studying

Wondering how to balance your uni work while trying to enjoy the Easter weekend? Get our tips and tricks for staying on top of everything.

If you’re reading this, congratulations, you’ve made it to the end of term! It’s time to give yourself a well-deserved break – we all know this year hasn’t been easy.

However, you can’t completely lose sight of your degree over Easter. Whether you’re a Fresher or fifth-year student, keeping motivated and staying on top of your studies over the holidays can be difficult. With dissertation deadlines and exams looming, here are some tips to balance your schedule between studying and relaxing. Of course, you’ll still have time to factor in a roast dinner on Easter Sunday and head to the local park for drinks with your mates (hurrah for the rule of six). 

Establish a routine

Go through each module and list the key topics to revise, including every lecture, reading and deadline. Then, create a schedule of how to tackle your workload. Have a monthly overview of what you need to achieve, and then break it down into weekly to-do lists. Don’t overwhelm yourself; leave some room for the inevitable Netflix binges and food comas. 

Set up a workspace

Designate a space for the sole purpose of productivity. Dividing your space between leisure and work is the key to avoiding distraction. Of course, you’ll end up binge-watching Netflix if you’re working on your bed, and you certainly won’t fall asleep at your desk as it’s just not comfy enough.

Once you’ve figured out where to work, declutter your space so you can get in the zone. Check out this guide to perfecting your home office. 

Treat yourself 

The rule of six was reinstated on 29 March, so why not reward yourself by meeting your friends in the park for a drink?

In addition to taking time off studying, you can also reward yourself short-term with the Pomodoro study technique. It’s known to increase productivity by working in chunks and taking intermittent breaks. Small rewards can include some phone time, chocolate, exercise or even an episode of Friends. 

Don’t overdo it

Although you may pride yourself on your ability to pull all-nighters to complete your essays, we all know that’s unsustainable. Rest is the key to retaining information, so make sure your hard work isn’t fruitless, and get in your eight hours’ sleep! 

How are you finding studying this Easter? Join our Student Panel and receive Amazon vouchers for your opinions! Now, that’s what we call productive.

Maddy McKennaon 31 March 2021