How to get into filming

Freddie Parker on 28 March 2022
Camera in foreground set up to shoot the people soft focused in the background

Whether it’s for a hobby or the potential career prospects, learning the ins and outs of filming is a fun way to express your creativity.

Making films or documentaries is a productive, creative way of expressing yourself. Experience in this field can also open up a host of exciting career opportunities for you. We know that new skills are not formed overnight, so here’s a list to start you on the right path:

Set achievable goals

Think about the films you’d like to make. Do you want to make documentaries, record live events, or produce short features? Each area requires different skills and techniques, so be sure to research the genres you’d like to cover and set your goals accordingly.

It’s also worth considering the scale of your projects. Larger scale projects will require you to collaborate with others. 

Start simple

Don’t take on too much for your first project. It’s better to start small and work your way up. This will help you solidify your knowledge and develop your skills. A good first project incorporates the basics of filmmaking such as lighting and composition. 

Keeping your projects short but sweet to begin with will help you to get used to your camera and its settings. It’ll also make the editing process easier to learn at the start, as you won’t have loads of raw footage to go over.


To begin with, you won’t need to cash out on tons of equipment. There’s no need to pick the camera with thousands of different settings. Try looking for something reliable and portable instead. Currys has some great choices for new starter cameras, while you can pick up a decent used DSLR for a good price on eBay.


Free and affordable film classes are fairly easy to find, but there’s also a wealth of information on YouTube. There, you can find lessons about the fundamentals of filmmaking as well as practical tutorials.

Look up video essays on popular films. Once you understand the key ingredients of a successful film, you’ll be able to apply them to your own work.


Networking is important. Making connections early on will be useful for when you start thinking about larger projects where you’ll need support. In the film industry, collaboration is vital. Editors, animators, actors, and musicians are all great friends to have as a filmmaker.

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Freddie Parker
Freddie Parker on 28 March 2022