9 Things Every Philosophy Student Hears

Sarah Chisnall on 21 August 2018
9 Things Every Philosophy Student Hears

Saying you’re studying a subject like Philosophy always raises a couple of eyebrows. One thing’s for sure, studying Philosophy exposes you to a great deal of opinions…

1. ‘What is Philosophy?’

Honestly, I have no idea how to explain Philosophy. None. We just talk and think a lot and existential crises are a daily thing.

Source: Giphy

2. ‘Can you read minds?’

Oh my god, WHY does everyone think philosophy students can read minds?!?!

Source: Giphy

3. Philosophy won’t get you a job’

Hey at least we can say it’s more useful than a degree in English, I guess.

Source: Giphy

4. ‘So you’re going to be a teacher then?’

The next million-dollar question. Because when your subject holds no career path, what else could you possibly do?

Source: Giphy

5. ‘Does God Exist?’

Please I pray to God (whether he exists or not...) don’t ask me that again!!!

Source: Giphy

6. ‘I think therefore I am’

*slow clap* wow, never heard that one before. 10 extra points go to those who say ‘I am pink, therefore I am spam’.

Source: Giphy

7. ‘Who’s your favourite Philosopher?’

Commence heart palpitations and sweaty palms; this is the question you get asked by people who think they know philosophy better than you… and maybe they do.

Source: Giphy

8. ‘Oh you only get 9 lectures a week? Philosophy must be so easy’

Have you tried reading an academic philosophical paper? Try getting through and understanding a few of those and then tell me it’s easy.

Source: Giphy

9. ‘Your argument is valid, but you are wrong.’

Who doesn’t love a super passive aggressive argument about the existence of numbers at 9am on a Monday morning?

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Sarah Chisnall on 21 August 2018